More Testosterone-killing toxin sources

Welcome to Burning Anchor: the masculine lifestyle optimization newsletter

Welcome to burning anchor. The newsletter that helps you optimize your Testosterone by removing the BS.

In today’s email:

  • Is your furniture destroying your Testosterone?

  • How to STOP your smartphone from frying your balls…

  • A database of non-toxic products for men..

We’ve covered a lot in terms of Testosterone destroying toxins over the last few weeks. We looked at clothing, personal care, kitchen items and nutrition. 

Even though I could keep going on this topic for months; today will be the last email because I know this is getting boring.


So i’ve hired a researcher to create a database of verified non-toxic products for men in all the categories we’ve spoken about + more.

If you want access to this database

I’ll share it with you when its ready

Ok, lets wrap it up…

A few more unsuspecting items that will destroy a mans testosterone

Here are a few of the lesser known things that will hold your Testosterone back…

1) Old furniture…

In the 1970’s governments started asking furniture manufacturers to spray their products with chemical flame retardants.

The chemical companies making (and selling) these flame retardants said it would be ok.

50 years later we are finding its definitely not OK.

These chemicals hang around for years, get into your bloodstream and slowly destroy your manhood.

Don’t believe me? see…

The good news is that things are changing and new furniture is less likely to be sprayed with this toxic shit.

But the bad news is that there’s still lots of old furniture around.

Read this guide and go and check the labels of your furniture to make sure you ain’t sitting or sleeping in a soup of weird chemicals.

2) Your smartphone…

The electromagnetic fields, radiation and heat emitted from your smartphone can do bad things to your testosterone…especially when you carry your phone in your pocket (which is most of us)

Don’t believe me? see…

Bad news: this applies to bluetooth wearables too (sleep and fitness trackers)

Good news: avoiding this stuff is easy. Just put your phone or aeroplane mode if its in your pocket, and don’t sleep with it near you (give it a few meters)

3) Your shower curtain…

This one is odd but stick with me because its overlooked…

Cheap shower curtains are made from plastic (PVC).

And to make PVC flexible the manufacturers must add nasty plasticizing chemicals.

These chemicals off-gas as you shower and its a disaster for your hormones.

In fact have you ever installed a new shower curtain? do you remember the smell? That smell is what we’re talking about.

The good news is that this is an easy fix:

Swap your shower curtains with something natural like hemp….or just find something that is NOT PVC based.

Reminder: Pre-mixed protein drinks…

I know I’m repeating myself with this but I still see guys completely forgetting about it.


(unfortunately this goes for most protein bars too)

Most pre-mixed protein drinks are laced with phthalates and other shit that will crater your hormones

And whats worse: doctors and “health influencers” are STILL recommending this stuff!


Don’t believe me? see…

You should only consume protein if comes from a clean source.

And unfortunately this means verifying that with the brand before buying.

Your protein should have NO soy and NO hormones. It should be from a non-GMO source. And the cows should be grass-fed and ideally organic.

It’s a lot I know.

Here are a few that tick most of the boxes…


There are hundreds more testosterone-destroying-toxin products to avoid…

…but I don’t want to keep writing about this because I think you get the point.

And I want to make this easier (for myself and for you)

So I’ve hired a researcher to find and create a database of non-testosterone-destroying products for men in every category.

This means that instead spending hours researching products and verifying the ingredients…we can simply browse the database.

Post of the week: how to boost growth hormone by 500%

Simply get into a sauna more often.

More sauna = more muscle gains, more testosterone, and many other good things for a man

That’s it for today.

- Alex

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