Personal care products that feminize you

Welcome to Burning Anchor: the masculine lifestyle optimization newsletter

Good morning. This is Burning Anchor; the newsletter that's like a fortress to protect your testosterone against a seige of feminization

In today’s email:

  • Common men’s care products that destroy your Testosterone

  • The missing exercise from most men’s training (anabolic sprints)


This is the second email in an series on detoxification of testosterone destroying toxins.

(In case you missed it: week 1 was about clothes that destroys testosterone)

Here’s why this topic is so damn important:

Our world is full of testosterone destroying toxins.

These toxins can be found in a shocking number of products that we all use daily.

Chances are you probably used a product that contains a T-destroying toxin today.

Trying to improve your Testosterone while you’re still exposed to these toxins is like pissing into the wind.

A simple directional shift will mean less piss all over yourself.

This email series is your directional shift.

So lets get into it….

T-boosting tip: stop using personal care products that destroy testosterone

Every day you wake up and brush your teeth with toothpaste.

Wash your skin with soap and your hair with shampoo.

You lather on some deodorant.

Spray on cologne.

Ans if the sun is out you may slap on some suncream.

Etc etc…

You already know where I’m going with this right?

Most personal care products are full of shit that destroy your hormones.

Yes that’s right…not only does that shitty floral-scented shampoo make you smell like a girl…its fucking turning you into one!

The amount of suspicious chemicals used in personal care products is so damn widespread that I had a hard time writing this email.

I had no idea where to start…

And I don’t want to overwhelm you.

So I’m going to give you a few quick links if you want to understand this on a deeper level…

…and then I’m going to give you some product recommendations so you can start swapping your feminizing creams for safer alternatives.

The links:

And if you just want an start eliminating your exposure follow these two simple steps:

1/ Get rid of your toxic products

Look at the ingredients of your personal care products and anything that comes into contact with your skin (like your laundry detergent).

If it contains any chemicals that you can’t pronounce?


Or at least look up those chemicals so you understand what you’re putting onto your skin (and hence into your bloodstream)

2/ Start buying non-feminizing alternatives

From this day forward buy your cosmetics according to this motto:

“If you wouldn’t eat it…don’t put it on your skin”

In other words:

ONLY use personal care products made from natural ingredients (no chemicals)

Here are a three resources to get you started:

  • Thrive market - online retailer selling all types of natural products

  • iHerb - I buy most of my supplements here but they also sell natural products

  • Van Man - sells tallow based soaps, natural toothpastes and magnesium deodorant.

Not a huge list I know.

But don’t ignore this…

Do a little research and start removing toxic cosmetics from your life.

Your manhood depends on it.

Post of the week: anabolic sprinting protocol

Lifting weights is good for you Testosterone.

You already knew that.

The missing link in most training schedule is anabolic sprints

That’s it for today.

- Alex

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