Clothing that destroys Testosterone

Welcome to Burning Anchor: the masculine lifestyle optimization newsletter

Good morning. This is Burning Anchor; the newsletter that fights back against dropping Testosterone levels in an over-estrogenized world.

In todays email:

  • Clothes that destroy your Testosterone

  • Why every man 35+ needs to take creatine (daily)

  • “I chose to be a man” 😂

Recently I asked you what you’d like to dive deeper into and the results are in…

Most of you want to learn how to detox testosterone destroying toxins…

Good move. And thank you for voting.

This is what we’ll focus on over the next few emails.

Today we’ll start with a quick win:

T-boosting tip: stop wearing clothes that destroy your testosterone

What I’m about to say may shock you.

But its critical that you understand that if you’re a man trying to maintain high testosterone levels.

Your choice of clothing affects your Testosterone levels.

In simple terms…

Clothing made from synthetic material contains certain chemicals.

As you wash and wear these clothes these chemicals break down and are released onto your skin.

Your skin absorbs these chemicals…which are then stored in your fat cells (for a long time in some cases)

Your toxic load goes up and your Testosterone goes down.

Here’s a short video explaining if you want to go deeper:

Don’t ignore this.

Take a look at the tag on a piece of clothing you’re wearing right now.

Your shirt. Pants. Socks. It doesn’t matter. Just choose anything and check the tag.

Whats it made from?

Most likely polyester, nylon or acrylic. Right?

Its time for a new wardrobe.

Start binning that shit and replacing it with organic natural fiber clothes

Cotton. Silk. Linen. Wool. Bamboo. Or Hemp.

I’ve started putting together a list of brands that sell organic natural fiber clothing for men (clothes that don’t make you look like a wannabe shaman).

I’m not finished yet but here’s what I have so far:

And here lists of more brands offering natural fiber clothing:

Hit reply to this email if you have any brands to add to the list and I’ll add them for you.

Post of the week: Why every man 35+ needs creatine

If you’re over 35 you should be taking creatine daily.

ESPECIALLY if you’re concerned with maintaining high-T levels naturally

This thread is a great summary of why:

Meme of the week


That’s it for today.

- Alex

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