How to not "soy boy" your kitchen

Welcome to Burning Anchor: the masculine lifestyle optimization newsletter

Welcome to burning anchor. The newsletter thats like your training partner who’s always pushing you for one more rep…hard to listen to but you know you f**king need to do it.

In today’s email

  • Anabolic kitchen vs soy kitchen

  • A sign that you’re about to level up in life


This is the 3rd email in a series on eliminating testosterone destroying toxins from you body.

Here’s a recap of what we’ve covered + what’s coming up:

In the next few weeks you’l learn about foods high in testosterone destroying toxins (much more than just soy) + other overlooked products that feminize you…

…and then we’ll move onto active detoxification; the protocols you can do to remove these toxins that accumulate in your body.

Onto today’s email…

Testosterone boosting tip: stop adding feminizing chemicals to your food

You might be contaminating your food with testosterone destroying toxins without even realising…

I was. for YEARS.

This sucks twice as hard if you’ve spent good money to buy clean, toxin free groceries in the first place

Here’s a quick guide to testosterone, toxins and your kitchen products…

1/ Avoid non-stick cookware at all costs

The first thing you need to do is ditch anything with a non-stick coating.

Frying pans, rice cookers, baking trays etc.

Teflon or not: non-stick coatings leech dangerous compounds when heated.

And these chemicals mess with your endocrine system and lower your testosterone.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about watch one of these films this weekend:

The chemicals used in non-stick coatings are directly linked to a huge number of health issues including hormone problems (source’s are everywhere. Here’s one)

What you should use instead:

  • Stainless steel is king. It won’t leech chemicals into your food and is fairly affordable.

  • Solid ceramic is also good but usually expensive. Avoid ceramic-coated pans as they often have aluminum cores (which can leach into your food over time. Which builds up in the body and is bad for your Testosterone)

  • Cast iron is popular but you need to watch your Iron levels. Iron is good but too much of it increases sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) which binds to testosterone and makes it less available for your body to use.

Your cookware is most important, but once you’ve made sure its clean move onto your…

2/ Cooking utensils

Throw out everything that has plastic.

Cutlery. Lunchboxes. Spatulas. etc.

Heat + plastic + food = low Testosterone

The chemical companies will tell you their plastic cookware is safe.

Don’t listen to them.

They are in the business of selling products not give a f**k about your hormones.

And beware of BPA-FREE claims.

“BPA free” usually means it’s made from BPS or BPF.

These are all Bisphenols - a class of chemicals used to make plastic.

BPA is just the only one that is regulated and banned.

The other Bisphenols are just as toxic and will destroy your testosterone like BPA.

Switch to steel or wooden utensils instead.

Easy win.

That it for today.

Short, sweet and essential.


  • Cookware: use stainless steel or solid ceramic cookware (avoid non-stick)

  • Utensils: use wood or metal utensils (avoid anything plastic)

Post of the week: a sign you’re about to level up…


That’s it for today.

- Alex

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