Whats in your cup?

Welcome to Burning Anchor: the masculine lifestyle optimization newsletter

This is Burning Anchor. The newsletter that intersects health and masculinity so you can level up inside and out…

In today’s email:

  • Mindset: What spills from your cup?

  • The one exercise that boost growth hormone 700%+

  • Feminizing cutting boards (avoid these)

Lets go…

Doors are closing!

There are only a few spots left in the Burning Anchor Testosterone System Cohort that’s starting in the 3rd week of July

(6 out of 10 spots have gone!)

If you want to evolve into the high-T-masculine-chad-motherf**ker version of yourself…this is your chance to do so before the price goes up

Another clients bloodwork below has just clocked in at 900ng/dL…and we haven’t even started with any supplements yet 📈

This shit works

Mindset: Whatever’s in your cup (is what spills out)

I can’t stop thinking about this…

“You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you making you spill your coffee everywhere.

Why did you spill the coffee?

“Because someone bumped into me!”


You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup.

Had there been wine in the cup…you would have spilled wine.

Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.

Therefore when life comes along and shakes you

(which WILL happen)

Whatever is inside you will come out.

It’s easy to fake it until you get rattled.

So we have to ask ourselves... “what’s in my cup?”

If you’re a man trying to improve himself, one of your duties is to hold it together when things get tough.

For yourself….but also for those around you.

So when things get tough…what spills from your cup?

Anxiety, frustration, bitterness, victim and quitter mentality?

Or calmness, courage, strength, grit and the “i’ll-just-keep-trying” energy?

You get to decide

So when things get tough…pause, take a breath, and decide whats about to spill from your cup.

Post: This exercise can boost growth hormone by 700%

Every man should do this:

Add this exercise to your weekly schedule for a huge boost in growth hormone and testosterone

And the best part?

It can be done in 10-15 minutes per week

T-boosting tip: ditch the plastic cutting boards

By now you should know that plastics feminize you.

Especially plastics that come into contact with your food.

But one thing that’s often overlooked:

You cutting boards.

Hopefully you’re not preparing your food on something like this:

That’s it for today.

- Alex

P.s. Want to run through a proven system to boost your testosterone naturally? Read this