Read this before starting TRT

The truth about testosterone replacement therapy

Welcome to Burning Anchor: the masculine lifestyle optimization newsletter

Hello gentlemen. This is Burning Anchor….your weekly shot of masculine espresso without the soy milk

In today’s email:

  • 😳 Testosterone replacement therapy…is it worth it?


Lets go…

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)…is it worth it?

If you want more testosterone you’ll probably come to this cross road at some point:

“Should I take TRT or do it naturally?”

And when it comes to the natural route….the harsh reality is that it doesn’t happen overnight.

It takes work.

(8-12 weeks using natural T-boosting lifestyle protocols. Done consistently. In the right order)

The “problem” with natural is that we live in an age of convenience.

There always seems to be a faster way. A shortcut.

Enter…Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)

Its tempting right?

Skip the hard work and reach peak masculinity from the comfort of your own couch?

Not so fast cowboy.

Before some tele-health pharmacy starts sending you your “manhood in a syringe”….

Here are 3 things every man on TRT wish he knew before he started:

1) TRT is a life sentence

Taking exogenous (external) testosterone is like putting your balls into early retirement.

Think about it…

Your balls create testosterone.

But if you start injecting artificial testosterone into yourself….you outsource one of the most important jobs on your balls ‘To-Do’ list

And once retired your balls DO NOT want to go back to work.

“Many men are unaware that TRT shuts down a man's natural production of the hormone, often causing the testosterone-producing cells to stop working and his testicles to soften and shrink

Harry Fisch (MD - Male Reproductive Center New York)

Its a classic case of use it or lose it

So what does this mean?

Read this to learn more about Testosterone dependency and how it erodes testicular function.

But the takeaway here is:

Once you’re on TRT you might never come off.

Which brings me to the next question:

2) Are you ready to spend lots of money?

TRT is a HUGE industry.

I’m talking billions per year.

It will cost you $100-$300+ per month for TRT depending on where you live.

And once you’re on TRT you’re probably not going to come off.


Are you ready to spend $1200-$3600+ per year for the rest of your life?

F**k that.

That’s $12,000-$36,000 for each decade you’re on TRT.

Big Pharma LOVES the low-T epidemic

Don’t get me wrong:

Im not saying you should spend NOTHING to improve your Testosterone…

That’s not possible. You’re going to need to buy a few things to do it naturally.

But don’t you think you should do EVERYTHING YOU CAN to improve your testosterone levels naturally first?

TRT should be your last resort.

Not your first.

And finally….

3) TRT is a bandaid solution

The truth:

IF your Testosterone is low…


(sorry for yelling but this is important)

TRT WILL NOT FIX the route cause of your low testosterone.

It will only hide the symptoms (low-T is one of them)

And whatever is destroying your Testosterone will continue to slowly burn under the surface.

For years and years….

One day something will give.

Some other health crisis will appear because you haven’t fixed the route cause of whatever is f**king with your hormones!


  1. Once you go on TRT you’ll probably stay on it for life. And your balls will stop working.

  2. It will cost you $1200-$3600+ per year

  3. But it won’t fix the route case of your low Testosterone

Doesn’t sound like the best deal now, does it?

TRT should be your last resort, not your first.

Post of the week: GET THE LAST REP

Bring some of this energy into your weekend…

That’s it for today.

- Alex

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