NEVER apologize for being who you are

Welcome to Burning Anchor: the masculine lifestyle optimization newsletter

A common mindset you’ll find in high-value men across the world:

Never apologize for being who you are

Apologizing for who you are may be a symptom of one of three things:

  • Nice guy syndrome / people please-r

  • You’re apologizing out of fear to avoid consequences of your actions (you lack courage)

  • Societies conditioning has taught you that who you are is not OK (eg the whole “toxic masculinity” movement)

Apologizing for being who you are is a sign you may be need (and weak)

It’s OK to apologize for making a mistake or if you did something that hurt someone else.

But never apologize for who you are.

And never apologize for being a man.

Not happy about something within yourself? change it.

But don’t apologize for the actions you take on this planet as you try to figure out your life.

Sometimes you are going to step on some toes.

You are going to do things that some people won’t like.

But thats their problem. Not yours.

Here are 5 more things you should never to apologize for as a man:

  1. Don’t apologize for being a man: there is nothing toxic about being masculine. Yes, there are toxic people (men and women), but the world needs strong masculine and feminine energies. Don’t listen to those people who label men as toxic; they are delusional.

  2. Don’t apologize for saying no: As kids we are taught to be agreeable. Saying no is rude. But that is complete BS. If someone asks you to meet them for lunch, or tries to sell you something you don’t want, don’t say “sorry, no”. Just say “no” and move on.

  3. Don’t apologize for putting yourself and your purpose first - This one is powerful. Doing what you want in life DOES NOT make you selfish. Only by reaching your full potential can you fully help others. They tell you to put on your oxygen mask first for a reason.

  4. Don’t apologize for cutting negative people out of your life - You are average of the 5 people who spend most time with. If those people drag you down with negativity or mediocrity, do not feel bad for cutting them out of your life. Never apologize for cutting them out of your life, just let them go.

  5. Don’t apologize for speaking your truth - Don’t be afraid to communicate your opinion, your beliefs, and your desires. This is YOUR truth, nobody can tell you it's wrong. Everyone has opinions and beliefs, and there is nothing wrong with expressing yours.

“Never apologize for who you are. If people don’t like how you look, act or speak? There’s nothing wrong with you; it just means those aren’t your people. Don’t change who you are to match your surroundings…Pick better surroundings instead”

Here are 3 links to help you master the idea of never apologizing for who you are:

  • A YouTube short with a powerful message: If people don’t like how you act, speak, or look, here’s what it means, and what you should do instead of apologizing.

  • Here are 5 things men should never apologize for when it comes to women & dating (this woman is a little intense, but her message is strong)

  • An article by Art of Manliness: when its time to apologize (not for who you are but if you've hurt someone), here's how to do it with finesse

That's all for this week,
