Maculine cheat codes

Welcome to Burning Anchor; the newsletter than helps you re-ignite your masculine drive so you can crush your life goals.

In today’s email:

  • Are you ready to evolve?

  • Masculine cheat codes I wish I knew earlier

  • Why sunshine is non-negotiable for a man

Lets go…

Burning Anchor is evolving…

And when Burning Anchor evolves so do you.

Let me explain

You’ve been getting these emails from me for a while now.

But I maybe you’ll agree with me when I say:

If you want to truly level up as a man…

…reading an email is not enough.

You need to build strong masculine drive (fire). You need to take consistent action. on the right things. And you need to do all of this in a community of like minded men who push you to be your best.

That’s why i’m creating the Burning Anchor Community.

This is the evolution of this newsletter into a something greater.

Here’s a quick summary of what to expect:

  • Masculine mindset lessons

  • High-performance habit challenges

  • Natural testosterone optimization protocols

  • Live guest masterclasses with other high-performing chad role models

  • Group coaching & accountability with other men leveling up

  • Masculine lifestyle optimization training (in the 3 key areas that build strong men)

I’ve only just started building this community but there are 27 men in there already.

Last week I said I’d start charging at 20 members but I realize this was a mistake. We need a few more members to get things going.

So I’m extending the offer to the first 50 members:

First 50 members get lifetime access for free… and after 50 members it will be paid.

And if you join today you’ll get the first module of the Burning Anchor Testosterone System for free (The High Testosterone Detox System)

This is the first step in raising your T levels.

Men need brotherhood. This is your chance.

Thought: 5 simple cheat codes that I wish I knew earlier

“Ordinary things, done consistently, produce extraordinary results”

Boring quote.

But still one of my favorites.

Because its a reminder that success in life often comes from doing the small things but doing them consistently.

Here are some I’ve been dwelling on recently:

1) The most demonized foods (like eggs and meat) are actually the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Eat them daily.

2) Who you spend your time will dictate the course of your life. If every social event is focused around food and alcohol you won’t meet your goals. But if you’re around people who are active, healthy, and hungry to crush life…their habits will rub off on you.

3) Invest 1-2 hours on Sundays to plan for the week. Plan your goals. Plan your meals. Plan your training sessions. And write down what you learnt that week. This will build momentum to win during the week.

4) Focus on maintaining momentum in life when you have it. The biggest momentum killer is going out on the weekends and getting hammered. You fuck your circadian rhythm. Miss a few days in the gym. Lose 2-3 days of mental performance. And if you do this every weekend? Your life will stay small.

5) Stop eating at least 3 hours before you go to sleep. You can’t enter deep sleep states when your body is digesting. Deep sleep states are where your body creates and releases testosterone.

Testosterone-boosting tip: don’t sleep on sunshine

Last week I got a DM from a guy who was stressing about his bloodwork results...

He had a hormone panel done and his testosterone reading was at the bottom end of the range (he was under 300 ng/dL).

He was DEFINITELY feeling the low-T symptoms in his life...

His mindset was fucked.

The amount of effort required to simply drive to the gym was killing him.

And when he actually managed to exercise? he saw no results.

To top it all off he had the fatigue of an elderly sloth which meant doing anything felt like a heroic effort.

His doctor was pushing him towards TRT.

Private clinics were recommending other strategies (Clomid and HCG)

But he had the right mindset...

"The truth is, I’m 35, I don’t want to take TRT and frankly I’m scared to take anymore synthetics"

I probed and asked him about his lifestyle and quickly discovered there was lots to focus on.

His sleep was bad and his stress levels were through the roof.

Definitely room for improvement there.

But then I asked him where he lived...


"But..." he said.

"I've been in Dubai for the last 2 weeks and to be honest I feel much better"

Scotland don't get much sunshine.

Dubai gets a lot.

It was obvious to me that this man had a lot to work on...but the first thing he needed to do was work on his VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY

(he was supplementing with vitamin D in Scotland....but that does not work. There is no such thing as sunshine in a capsule....i'll talk about this in another post)

So the message is simple:


Check out this post about sunshine and Testosterone on IG

And read the caption in that post for the protocols.

And then watch this post by Andrew Huberman where he talks about the study showing the power of light exposure for hormones:

Then get off your phone/computer and go get some sunshine right now.

That’s it for today.

- Alex

P.s. Join The Burning Anchor Community as a foundational member before the price goes up - click here.