The simple high-T guide to nutrition

Welcome to Burning Anchor: the masculine lifestyle optimization newsletter

This is Burning Anchor; the newsletter that helps you fight back against the things that suck vitality from your masculine soul.

We’ve been talking about Testosterone destroying toxins for a few weeks now.

But have you been making changes in your life?

Reading is not enough.

I promise you that if you follow the advice in these emails for long enough you’ll start to notice things shift.

Your brain fog will clear.

Your morning wood will return.

You’ll notice how much easier it is to put on muscle when you workout.

But most of all you’ll notice the return of that “grab life by the balls” feeling you had in your younger years.

Thats the power of natural Testosterone optimization.

Lets keep it going…

T-boosting tip: Follow the 5 Testosterone boosting food rules

Nutrition is the most contested topic in the universe.

Which diet is best? Carnivore? Paleo? Keto? Low carb? Atkins? Ray peat? Mediterranean? low carb? slow carb? intermittent fasting?

Blah blah blah.

The list goes on.

Nutrition is so complicated you might be tempted to completely check out.

But if you want to maximise your testosterone you have to pay some attention to what you eat.

Today I’m going to simplify it for you.

I’m not going to tell you which diet or eating style is best.

Thats up to you.

But no matter what you do;

Follow a few basic food rules.

I call these the 5 testosterone boosting food rules

Rule #1: Avoid phytoestrogens

This is the easiest rule of them all.

Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring plant compounds that structurally resemble estrogen in the body.

The main offenders:

Cut these things out. Easy.

Or not so easy if you don’t eat meat (you’ll have a hard time avoiding soy)…but a good replacement for “fake meat” products are things made with mushrooms or beans.

Rule #2 - Avoid industrialized seed oil’s

  • Soybean oil

  • Canola oil

  • Rapeseed oil

  • Sunflower oil

  • Vegetable oil (which is usually just soybean oil)

  • Etc.

These oils are grown at scale. So the crops are GMO’d. This is so they can be sprayed with pesticides. And more chemicals are then used to extract the oils.

Its a big f**king mess for your hormones and your health.

You might be avoiding the oil directly, but still being exposed because food manufacturers use seed oils in almost all processed foods.

Check the label. If it has seed oils? Don’t touch it.

From this day forward you should only be cooking with or eating products with olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, or butter.

Easier said than done…but much easier if you follow the next rule…

Rule #3 - Avoid processed foods

Please tell me you’re already doing this??!

Stick to whole foods. Foods with no more than 5 ingredients. Foods that do not contain long lists of things that sound like they were made in a lab somewhere (they were)

For example I was in the supermarket last night and I saw this protein bar in the “health food” section.

Lets look at just a few of the ingredients:

  • Soy Protein Isolate and Soy Lecithin: Soy is high in phytoestrogens (mimic estrogen in the body) + Xenoestrogens from pesticides.

  • Sweeteners (Erythritol, Steviol Glycosides, Sorbitol): have various metabolic effects and their long-term impact on hormone levels is still being studied.

  • Bulking Agent (Polydextrose): synthetic compound that can affect gut health and metabolism (indirectly influencing hormonal balance)

  • Vegetable Oils: Processed vegetable oils contain pesticide residues acting as xenoestrogens, disrupting endocrine function, and their high omega-6 content can promote inflammation.

  • Color (120): derived from insects and processed chemically for food use raising concerns about synthetic additives' long-term health effects.

Health food?

More like horse shit.

(in fact horse shit would probably be healthier)

If you’re still eating processed foods it’s time to wake the f**k up.

This guy has millions of followers because we walks around the supermarket looking at food labels and telling people just that:

To “wake the f**k up”

People are waking up. It’s time you did too.

Rule #4 - Avoid foods laced with Xenoestrogens

Remember how I mentioned phytoestrogens before..the naturally occurring estrogens?

Well Xenoestrogens are worse. They are are synthetic compounds that mimic estrogen in the body.

These little bastards are everywhere. Especially in the food industry.

The best way to avoid them:

Eat organic foods as much as possible.

If it’s not organic it’s mass produced.

If its mass produced its highly likely a number of weird chemicals were used to create it.

Like Atrazine. The pesticide that turns male frogs female.

More examples of where Xenoestrogens are found in food:

  • Processed foods contain synthetic chemicals (e.g. preservatives, food colouring etc) and are wrapped in plastics containing BPA’s and phthalates.

  • Non-organic produce is grow using chemical pesticides like atrazine and DDT which are massively feminizing.

  • Dairy and Meat animals are usually exposed to synthetic hormones and fed with contaminated feed (all ends up in your milk and meat)

  • Industrial seed oils are used in a stupid amount of products. The production and extraction of these oils involves massive amounts of pesticides chemicals that you want nothing to do with.

  • Compromised crops: Soy and Corn is mostly genetically modified to withstand being sprayed with high amounts of pesticides.

Don’t underestimate how far the food industry will go for profit.

For example have you tried the watermelon test?

Rule #5: The less plastic the better

I’ve hammered this point before so I’ll keep it short and sweet.

  • Store your food in stainless steel containers not plastic

  • Choose foods in glass containers where possible

  • Do not touch any food that comes in plastic has likely been in a warm state (e.g. dairy, soup, etc)

The more your food comes into contact with plastic the more you become a soy boy

Sometimes you can’t avoid this (e.g. meat wrapped in plastic) but you should still do your best.

There you have it.

The 5 testosterone food rules.

Much easier than trying to figure out which diet of 364 options is the best.

That’s it for today.

- Alex

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