5 chimps theory to masculinity

+ suck to get good

Welcome to Burning Anchor. Your weekly dose of masculine lifestyle optimization

In today’s email:

  • How a theory about chimps can determine your success as a man

  • Suck to get good

  • The science behind ball tanning

Lets go…

Masculine mindset: 5 chimps theory

Back in the 1960s researchers discovered something fascinating about chimpanzee’s.

They found that each chimp's behavior and success were shaped by the five chimps they spent the most time with.

This became known as "5 Chimps Theory" and guess what?

It isn’t just about Chimps.

Its about us too.

You’ve heard the cliches…

  • “You’ve the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”

  • "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future."

  • "Your closest circle defines your success."

Cliches are cliches for reason and these one’s are incredibly important for any man who wants more out of life.

Look around.

Are your five closest male friends pushing you towards greatness or dragging you towards the middle of the bell curve?

Do you have men in your life that hold you to a high standard? Men who are leveling up? men who are pushing for greatness?

Or are you surrounded by netflix-binge-watching, vape-smoking, zero-ambition simps?

If its the latter…its time to upgrade your circle.

Its a community for ambitious men who want to level-the-fuck-up in life.

The focus is on masculine lifestyle optimization; which is the combination of high-performance habits, lifestyle "hacks", and mindset strategies that will help you unlock your peak performance as a man.

Mindset. Business. Wealth. Fitness. and all the other things important to level up as a man in this world.

This community will cost $99/month.

But to kick things off and seed the community off I’m offering 20 spots for free.

9 spots have been taken… 11 remain.

So if you want to be part of a community of men building wealth, strength, and masculine drive.

Meme of the week: the road to greatness starts with sucking

Sometimes you just need to get out of your head and embrace the “suck”

T-boosting tip: the science behind ball tanning

have you ever laughed at the idea of men tanning their jewels?

I know I did

But then I saw the research…

Here’s a look at the science + a simple protocol to get you started with this “esoteric” biohack

That’s it for today.

- Alex