$219 billion masculine mindset

Welcome to Burning Anchor: the masculine lifestyle optimization newsletter

This is Burning Anchor. The newsletter that like your morning ice bath; you hate it but know you kind of need it.

In today’s email:

  • A $219 billion dollar masculine mindset

  • A warning to my fellow coffee drinkers (don’t panic)

  • Still wearing synthetic clothing?

Lets go…

A $219 billion dollar masculine mindset

I was watching a documentary yesterday about the richest man on the planet

(Jeff Bezos)

He’s worth $219 BILLION dollars.

At one point as the interviewer looked around Bezo's office something caught his eye.

"What's that?” he asked while pointing to a weird looking relic on the shelf behind Jeff.

"Oh" replied Jeff. "Its just something that reminds me of one of my hero Thomas Edison"

Bezo's continued...

“and it was Edison that said: “genius is 1% inspiration...99% perspiration”

And then he burst out into laughter

(He has a weird laugh btw)

Bezo's continued...

"And it completely agree"

"Everything I've built here (at Amazon) isn't because of some genius idea”

“It was 1% idea…99% execution”

“Execution is EVERYTHING”

Like him or not...the man has a point.

Focusing on execution is how he built one of the biggest companies in the world

He had an idea.

and then he woke up every day and executed. Relentlessly.

He’s a bit of a Chad MF’r isn’t he?

Did all that execution Chadify him?

The takeaway:

If you’re a man who hopes to build your own empire...don’t get stuck trying to find “the perfect idea”

Focus on consistent execution because that’s what matters.

That may be the only thing standing between you and your dream life.

Execution is a muscle.

And like any muscle you must put in the reps to help it grow it.

How do you start?

By working on your Testosterone.

Here me out..

Testosterone is the DOING hormone. And one of the traits of the masculine alpha is getting shit done. Decisiveness. Moving forward.

In a way….Testosterone is pre-workout for your execution muscle

And when your Testosterone is strong you’ll wake up every day FULL of energy. Fire. Motivation.

Which will drive you to OWN the day.

Again again and again.

And if you keep that up?

Your dream life becomes inevitable.

This is BEAST MODE energy.

That’s what I’m thinking of calling the 8 week natural testosterone system that’s kicking off mid July (beast mode)

There’s a few spots left and then the price is going up.

What are you waiting for?

Testosterone-boosting tip: Dodge coffee if its served like this…

The greatest beverage in the world is undoubtedly:


I take mine black. Straight up. (That’s called a long black here in Australia)

How about you?

Anyway there’s only ONE thing in the world that could convince me to stop drinking coffee.

Coffee that feminizes me.

(No point getting a short term energy buzz on caffeine if its going to destroy your long term natural energy system right?)


I’m not about to tell you to stop drinking coffee.

But a warning…

(And if you’re looking for products that are ‘testosterone toxin free’ (in every category) I’ve built a database that’s constantly updated - you’ll get lifetime access as part of BEAST MODE)

Meme of the week: Still wearing synthetic clothing?

I’ve started to see more men starting giving a s**t about their hormones and start replacing their synthetic clothing for natural fiber alternatives.

If you haven’t started yet….make it your goal this week to find some 100% cotton underwear and workout shorts.

And then keep swapping one item of clothing per week/month from there until you have NO plastic on your body

Because remember; what goes ONTO your skin goes INTO your skin.

And your skin is your largest endocrine organ (directly linked to your hormones)

That’s it for today.

- Alex